Four Tips For An Organized Storage Unit

Posted on: 20 November 2015

Renting a self-storage unit can be a good way to get extra items and belongings out of your home. However, it is easy for the storage unit to be disorganized when you move all the boxes in. Here are some tips you can use to make sure your self-storage unit stays organized so you can find what you need. Use Color-Coding for Your Boxes When you move your boxes from your home to the self-storage unit, boxes from one room might be mixed in with boxes from another room as you try to fit everything in your car or truck.
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Three Practical Ways To Preserve Your Car Battery

Posted on: 30 October 2015

Keeping your car's battery alive and well is important. Fortunately, there are a number of practical things you can do to help accomplish this goal. Start Your Car First Whether it's your smartphone charger or some other electronic device, plugging these objects into your vehicle's charging terminal is an okay practice. However, make sure you're starting your car before you plug these devices in. The battery works hand-in-hand with the alternator.
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Tips For Furnace Maintenance And Repair To Keep Your Office Warm

Posted on: 15 October 2015

Converting a house into office space for your business has a lot of advantages. There is one big drawback though, and that's the fact that you're responsible for all the maintenance and repairs on the building. If you're good with DIY repairs around your home, that shouldn't be a big problem as long as you have the time and money for repairs when they're needed. For instance, keeping the furnace in good working order is important so your clients and employees are comfortable.
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Keep Your Items In Good Condition While Renting A Storage Unit

Posted on: 22 September 2015

If you are preparing to drop some of your belongings off at a storage unit, it is important to get everything ready so that they will stay in great shape while stored. It can be frustrating to return to your storage unit, only to discover that some things have been dirtied or damaged beyond repair. By taking some time to get everything ready for storage, you can ensure that all your items are put into the unit in good shape and will not be at a higher risk of damage.
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